Well, sort of. According to Enterainment Weekly, the writer and creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer--Joss Whedon--is starting a new Buffy comic book through Dark Horse comics. While the television still yearns for a Buffyverse spin-off, at least ardent fans can find out what happened with Buffy and her army of new slayers after Sunnydale went kaput. Joss Whedon promises the return of a familiar "big bad" and some interesting developments for Buffy's sister Dawn.
ugh. hated Dawn. Loved Angel, but they ran it into the ground after ruining Faith. Here's hoping they bring back Firefly!
Dawn'll be different in comics though. I think she has potential to be cool. Just don't bring back GLORY!
Dawn was great! She had it rough turning from a key into a fleshed out girl with no Buffy powers. She'll come into her own, even if it is via a comic book and not TV.
Glory rocked...maybe she'll regroup with her minions and provide some good comic relief.
ooooh, now THAT is some good scoop. Way to go, cuz.
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