I admit, I'm feeling nostalgic lately. This past Sunday I actually watched four episodes of the television show Family from 1976. You know, the show with Kristy McNichol and the mother (Sada Thompson) who had soul-less eyes? Anyway, I was only like 5 or so when the show started, but it was certainly in my consciousness--I remember the sad music, the longful glances, and it did make McNichol a star (and frequent contestant on Battle of the Network Stars).
But I was terribly surprised to discover that it wasn't just Mike Nichols' baby--the show had writers and directors such as the Thirtysomething guys Herskovitz and Zwick. Sigh, I miss them. And double sigh that I never really got to appreciate the brother on the show, Gary Frank, when he was in his prime (see above far right). As far as I can tell, he embodied all that was hot and steamy in the 70's.
I have ordered another Family DVD from Netflix and am also expecting a Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew DVD soon. Imagine my horror today to hear that no-talent Tom Cruise is turning the sleuthy brothers--one of my old favorite shows--into an action comedy vehicle for him and Ben Stiller. It truly makes me want to vomit. As old as Parker Stevenson is, he could still take the wee-little Tom Cruise in a fight.