Join me on a tour of the wonderfully frivolous world of television, movies, and media. Today's modern world couldn't be more inane--but would we want it any other way?
Friday, December 01, 2006
DeVito as the Penguin
I didn't see a drunk Danny DeVito on The View this week, and I'm a little sad about it. But maybe I can go rent the Batman movie where he plays the Penguin. I bet it's just the same.
Tears, We're Talking Tears, Folks
Grey's Anatomy made me cry last night. Granted, I had a shitty day overall--work, money, love--but the episode was just so good.
I know that Grey's is melodramatic. And I know that half the stuff on the show would never happen in a real hospital. But last night's closing dialogue about closeness and how each of us needs it was heartwrenching. To me it wasn't schmaltzy or contrived--it felt emotionally earned. Of course the closing shot was of Meredith clinging to her mother who has Alzheimers, the camera moving in closer and closer to her face where you can see she's starting to cry.
I know that Grey's is melodramatic. And I know that half the stuff on the show would never happen in a real hospital. But last night's closing dialogue about closeness and how each of us needs it was heartwrenching. To me it wasn't schmaltzy or contrived--it felt emotionally earned. Of course the closing shot was of Meredith clinging to her mother who has Alzheimers, the camera moving in closer and closer to her face where you can see she's starting to cry.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Smallville Reminder...

You can't forget to watch Smallville tonight on the CW. It looks to be the cheesiest most nutball episode of the season. Clark discovers his newest power..... wait for it...wait for it...super breath!
The episode is called "Sneeze." And no, I'm not kidding. Smallville is the definition of guilty pleasure.
God Bless Nora Ephron and Jim Webb...
I read this blog on Huffingtonpost and had to link to it. Nora gets it right about newly-elected Virginia Senator Jim Webb--finally someone in Washington has the balls to call frat-boy Bush on his shit. I love it.
When I hear that Jim Webb showed bad manners, I ask what people thought about our Vice President flicking someone off then yelling "fuck yourself" on the floor of the Senate. Now that's manners.
When I hear that Jim Webb showed bad manners, I ask what people thought about our Vice President flicking someone off then yelling "fuck yourself" on the floor of the Senate. Now that's manners.
How Did I Forget to Mention Veronica?

I was crazy busy yesterday and just failed to mention my thoughts on Tuesday night's fall finale of Veronica Mars.
As I mentioned, I'm a big fan of the heroine running in slow motion to angsty music while her hair flies behind her. (Well, I guess I mean Buffy mostly). And it was cool that the episode started at the height of action (that's en media res for you literary types), then went back and showed us how we got there.
But I don't know. I was a bit--just a bit--disappointed. I think I expected something more shocking. And as fun as it was to watch Veronica attack someone with a
(Oh, the slutty Kristen Bell (Veronica) pic is for any straight male readers I may have). I need to stay fair and balanced.
Shame on Bones
I've gotten really hooked on Fox's show Bones because it's really well written and has great chemistry between the main leads. But last night's "ripped from the headlines" story was just sad. It was a complete rehash of The Blair Witch Project and it just stank to high heaven. I'm hoping this was just one small misstep for the series and not a turn in the wrong direction.
Trump - Carolyn = Grating
NBC has announced that its moving The Apprentice to Sunday nights when it begins this January. I've always found Donald Trump especially repulsive, but at least his stupidity was tempered in part by Carolyn and her mean smiles and icy cold stare.
But with Carolyn gone, since Trump "fired her" last year, I'm not sure I'll stick around for this version of the show. We'll see...
But with Carolyn gone, since Trump "fired her" last year, I'm not sure I'll stick around for this version of the show. We'll see...
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Real World Hits an All-Time Low
The Real World may be in the mile-high city, but it seems to be sinking lower and lower, and faster than ever. The funny, drunk hi-jinx of seven strangers picked to live in a house has become a sleazy, lushy, slutty parody of itself.
Whereas we used to get fairly interesting, smart, and half-real kids with pretentious names like Elka, Amaya, Puck, Ruthie, Cyrus, now we get grade-A dumbasses that can barely do anything sober and have trouble formulating even a simple sentence. It's not just the kids that get more extreme--MTV has tried to outdo itself each year with the house, the job, and the trips the cast takes.
Viewers have noticed the change. Real World numbers are waaaaay down. I hope the producers learn their lesson. They forged what we call reality tv with a little show called The Real World nearly 15 years ago. It's sad they've embraced airheads and drunks for contrived drama, when watching real young adults live together would be so much more interesting. It used to be kind of a guilty pleasure to watch Real World--now it's nearly excruciating.
Tomorrow I'll talk about the Denver cast...
Whereas we used to get fairly interesting, smart, and half-real kids with pretentious names like Elka, Amaya, Puck, Ruthie, Cyrus, now we get grade-A dumbasses that can barely do anything sober and have trouble formulating even a simple sentence. It's not just the kids that get more extreme--MTV has tried to outdo itself each year with the house, the job, and the trips the cast takes.
Viewers have noticed the change. Real World numbers are waaaaay down. I hope the producers learn their lesson. They forged what we call reality tv with a little show called The Real World nearly 15 years ago. It's sad they've embraced airheads and drunks for contrived drama, when watching real young adults live together would be so much more interesting. It used to be kind of a guilty pleasure to watch Real World--now it's nearly excruciating.
Tomorrow I'll talk about the Denver cast...
Poor Luke
A coworker of mine has been super sad and super mad at the 180 degree story turn the Gilmore Girls has taken this year. With Lorelai pursuing a romance (and now married) to her old flame Christopher, it hasn't looked good for a return to the loving days of Luke and Lorelai.
For 3-4 episodes, Luke was barely in the picture. 2 minutes with his daughter in this show segment. Another minute or 2 in the diner with customers. But if anyone was really worried that Luke was going the way of the doodoo, last night proved Luke is around to stay. Have you noticed we're seeing more and more of Luke each episode--he even had a fairly long scene with Lorelai weeks ago. And it looks like he will be battling for rights over his newfound daughter, or at least having more smackdowns with the mother.
So as Luke tv time increases, we also see that no one in Lorelai's life seems to be warming up to her marriage with Chris. But I, for one, love that the couple ended up together after having a daughter 20 years earlier--it's romantic. And I get all tingly when sexy Chris is on screen. But as great as I think Chris is, it's clear the writers are now penning him into a corner--he's immature, he's bratty, he throws his money around. I think the writers aren't developing him fully on purpose, because we all know Lorelai will end up with Luke. Sad, but true.
For 3-4 episodes, Luke was barely in the picture. 2 minutes with his daughter in this show segment. Another minute or 2 in the diner with customers. But if anyone was really worried that Luke was going the way of the doodoo, last night proved Luke is around to stay. Have you noticed we're seeing more and more of Luke each episode--he even had a fairly long scene with Lorelai weeks ago. And it looks like he will be battling for rights over his newfound daughter, or at least having more smackdowns with the mother.
So as Luke tv time increases, we also see that no one in Lorelai's life seems to be warming up to her marriage with Chris. But I, for one, love that the couple ended up together after having a daughter 20 years earlier--it's romantic. And I get all tingly when sexy Chris is on screen. But as great as I think Chris is, it's clear the writers are now penning him into a corner--he's immature, he's bratty, he throws his money around. I think the writers aren't developing him fully on purpose, because we all know Lorelai will end up with Luke. Sad, but true.
Hot Hot Hottie

In all, I may have watched 84 minutes total of ABC's series The Bachelor. That's less than an hour and a half, and we're talking a cumulative total of viewing minutes for all 9 Bachelor shows so far.
But ABC has just gotten their new bachelor for season 10, and he is hottie mchot. Andy Baldwin is a a 30-year-old Navy “undersea medical officer for a special operations dive unit stationed in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.” He went to Duke, was a triathlete, a swimmer, and has competed in the Ironman a number of times. He is a gay man's wet dream. Check him out.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
D-List Love!
Rock the fuck on! I'm just tickled pink that Bravo has renewed Kathy Griffin's My Life on the D-List for a third season! Sure it's only 6 more episodes, but you can TiVo back and forth to make Kathy dance or say funny things over and over.
I heart her. And I heart her rat costume video.
I heart her. And I heart her rat costume video.
Golden Globes Already
Believe it or not, Golden Globe nominations are almost upon us--December 14th! The only thing I'm sure of is that The Queen and Helen Mirren will be up. is big that Dreamgirls is the picture to beat this year. It's gotten fantastic reviews.
Rob Lowe to Stay on Brothers and Sisters?
Michael Auseillo at TVGuide is reporting that producers of Brothers and Sisters are in talks with Rob Lowe for him to join the show for good. It's fantastic news for a few reasons. 1) Lowe is good and 2) It's a show of faith for the ABC drama.
On Sylar and Studio 60
Heroes was great again last night. And it even seemed like they brought in some better writers to give the actors real things to say. I was impressed.
How freakass creepy is Sylar, that he can look into the people and see what's "wrong" with them--hence his need to take their brain (and their talents). Bizarre. You go, Tori Spelling's best friend.
And Studio 60 was funny, but they still need to dig deeper into the characters. Um, who do you think got Jordan pregnant?
How freakass creepy is Sylar, that he can look into the people and see what's "wrong" with them--hence his need to take their brain (and their talents). Bizarre. You go, Tori Spelling's best friend.
And Studio 60 was funny, but they still need to dig deeper into the characters. Um, who do you think got Jordan pregnant?
Monday, November 27, 2006
Taylor Hicks is a Thankless Hack
Read this article about Taylor Hics on The thankless fucker is already talking about how he doesn't watch American Idol and hated the songs they made him sing. Now that he's a "big" "star" (yeah, right), he wants to put distance between himself and the show. Kelly Clarkson is the only real idol that the show has ever produced.
Kramer is "Shattered"
Yeah, right. "Shattered" that he got caught be racist. Too little, too late, my friend.
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