I just read this article about the Revenge of the Nerds remake at Emory University. I wish my Atlanta friends had let me know what was going on at my alma mater.
A) I'm not surprised that Fox was planning a remake. It's the kind of film you could easily update. B) I'm not surprised Emory University agreed to let the movie shoot up to 1/3 of the film on campus--Emory loves/wants/craves (not needs) money. C) I am surprised that no one at Emory looked at the script before they agreed. Evidently the movie was too raunchy and Emory pulled the plug on filming.
Evidently the movie moved to Agnes Scott, also in Atlanta, but now that's not working so the project is in limbo. Shout out to my administration peeps at Emory for keeping an eye on things, but I'm sure the name of the college would have been changed. What's the deelio? Why not take the money and run?
Join me on a tour of the wonderfully frivolous world of television, movies, and media. Today's modern world couldn't be more inane--but would we want it any other way?
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Gilmore Girls and Veronica Mars

I can't can't can't wait to see Veronica Mars next week. I love the show, but I'm completely lost about this "catch the rapist" storyline. She intimates there is no rapist, but we know there's been at least one rape. Anyway...next week has a death, has all sorts of slow motion running with grief (a la Buffy). I'm there.
Gilmore Girls was great last night too. Perfect, "I'm such a good writer" Rory had to own up to being mean. What, Rory be mean? Well, she's always condescending. But I'm interested to see how this Christopher/Lorelai thing works out. I love Chris (see hottie pic), so I hope they don't make him do something entirely out of character and jackass-like. Oh, and did anyone notice that the scene they showed in the previews--with Luke and Christopher about to fight--wasn't in last night's show. The CW is tricky!
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Tom Serenades Katie

Blech! Check out this People article that talks about how Tom sang "You've Lost that Lovin' Feeling" to Katie during his wedding reception. It makes me want to puke.
But of course it is kind of funny that even Tom knows on some level that his best, brightest, and most popular acting days are behind him--he had to resort to cannibalizing his own career just to get a laugh and a tear at his own wedding. Again, blech!
ps--This pic looks like an ugly homecoming pic from high school. She's like a foot taller than him and he's combed his hair like he's 15.
Rosie, Clay, Kelly
Stories like this are why I love the internet. All I had to google was "Rosie Ripa" and this tv bitchfest came up.
For those who haven't heard, Clay Aiken co-hosted with Kelly Ripa last week on Live with Regis and Kelly. During one part of the show, Clay put his hand over Kelly's mouth so he could say something and Kelly pulled his hand away and said, "Oh, that's a no-no. I don't know where that hand's been, honey."
Enter Rosie, who has been really stirring some coals on The View lately. She said Ripa's remark was homophobic (which it was, mildly). But the real trouble started when Kelly called The View today to bitch at Rosie. If you watch the clip, look at Rosie's face. It's priceless.
I didn't see either of these shows live, so I don't want to make a real judgement. But honestly, it's not even worth talking about. It is worth laughing about though.
For those who haven't heard, Clay Aiken co-hosted with Kelly Ripa last week on Live with Regis and Kelly. During one part of the show, Clay put his hand over Kelly's mouth so he could say something and Kelly pulled his hand away and said, "Oh, that's a no-no. I don't know where that hand's been, honey."
Enter Rosie, who has been really stirring some coals on The View lately. She said Ripa's remark was homophobic (which it was, mildly). But the real trouble started when Kelly called The View today to bitch at Rosie. If you watch the clip, look at Rosie's face. It's priceless.
I didn't see either of these shows live, so I don't want to make a real judgement. But honestly, it's not even worth talking about. It is worth laughing about though.
Robert Altman Has Died...
And I'm terribly sad. It's actually a sad day for cinema.
Nashville and M*A*S*H are two of the best American films in the last 50 years. It's sad to think we have lost someone with such a wonderful knack at narrative and such an original style.
Nashville and M*A*S*H are two of the best American films in the last 50 years. It's sad to think we have lost someone with such a wonderful knack at narrative and such an original style.
Kramer = Racist
So what's going on with crazy racist celebrity rants? I'm sure you've all seen or heard the story by now where Michael Richards (Kramer from Seinfeld) went balistic last week at a comedy club in LA. He was being heckled and people were talking over him so he launched into a barrage of the "n" word at some black audience members. And he kept it up.
The only thing worse might have been the crazy-ass apology on David Letterman last night. It was surreal. As he apologized via satellite (talking to Dave and to Jerry Seinfeld), the audience didn't know what to make of it. They laughed. Out loud. To where Richards could hear them. It was nuts.
But despite his apology, it goes to show a few things we already knew: a) racism permeates Hollywood; and b) Michael Richards is crazy.
Crazier than Richards' rant (or Mel Gibson's for that matter) is the fact that these stars seem to think that an apology is a cure all. And that they actually have the balls to claim that they aren't racist and they don't know where the words came from.
The only thing worse might have been the crazy-ass apology on David Letterman last night. It was surreal. As he apologized via satellite (talking to Dave and to Jerry Seinfeld), the audience didn't know what to make of it. They laughed. Out loud. To where Richards could hear them. It was nuts.
But despite his apology, it goes to show a few things we already knew: a) racism permeates Hollywood; and b) Michael Richards is crazy.
Crazier than Richards' rant (or Mel Gibson's for that matter) is the fact that these stars seem to think that an apology is a cure all. And that they actually have the balls to claim that they aren't racist and they don't know where the words came from.

Sure, it was a good episode last night, but kind of a let down. I liked the fact that Peter "died" and that it took Claire to save him. But did we really find out the meaning to "Save the Cheerleader - Save the World" as NBC promised? Um, short answer...no.
So it was kind of shitty for NBC to blatantly LIE to us, but am I surprised? Um, short answer...no. But I'll keep watching because it's a good show, and because it's hilrious that Tori Spellings "best friend" on her VH-1 show is the killer Sylar on Heroes.
I don't want to spend much time on this subject because really does he need any more press? We all know what he is starts with "m" and ends in "urderer."
So...glad to hear that his book is being pulled and so is the Fox special. But I'm sure we'll end up seeing both in the media someway, somehow. Sad.
So...glad to hear that his book is being pulled and so is the Fox special. But I'm sure we'll end up seeing both in the media someway, somehow. Sad.
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