Things that made me happy:
1) One of my favorite new shows, Mad Men on AMC, took home the best drama award and the hunky star Jon Hamm took home Best Actor!
2) The Coen brothers won for best screenplay beating out the overrated Diablo Cody (of Juno fame). I thought Juno was great, but I never really bought the voice of the teenage girl--it was too old for her.
3) Rock on, Tina Fey. Who would have thought she'd beat out the other ladies for Best Actress in a Comedy?
4) Jeremy Piven won again for Entourage. I want to hug it out with Piven.
Things that weren't so great:
1) Daniel Day-Lewis winning Best Dramatic Actor in a film over George Clooney. I admit I haven't seen There Will be Blood yet, but Michael Clayton was superb.
2) I love Cate Blanchett, but haven't bothered to see the Bob Dylan movie. Eh, it looks bad. I wish Tilda Swinton had one for Best Supporting Actress in a film for Michael Clayton. She was amazing.
3) I never thought Ryan Gosling would win for Lars and the Real Girl, but I was hoping for a miracle I guess. It was my favorite movie of the year and he gave an outstanding performance.
Fingers crossed that the Oscars take place this year. I'm betting they will.