Friday, August 04, 2006

Mel Gibson Rehab Alert

I read a report today that Mel Gibson is in out-patient rehab. I don't know enough about rehab to have an "educated" opinion. But my snarky opinion is that the unpublished version of rehab he's chosen is just like his apology: empty. A way for him not to take responsibility for his bigotted actions.

Also, I read that Jodie Foster says about Mel: "Is he an anti-semite? Absolutely not." Of course, I wonder how much faith we should hold in Foster's opinion, when everyone in the world (including my Grandmother, Gaggie) knows that she leads an "in-the-closet" life.

1 comment:

Dogwood Girl said...

Aren't ALL your opinions kinda snarky??

Big shout out to Gaggie.