Friday, March 09, 2007

Madonna and H&M Video

Props to Jeoff for forwarding me this hilarious Madonna commercial.

Mayans Rebuff Bush

This story in The Washington Post caught my eye because the title was so bizarre: "Priests to Purify Site After Bush Visit."

It's funny at first glance when you think about Mayan priests "chanting and burning incense, herbs and candles" to remove the "bad spirits" from Bush's visit. But the more you consider the relevancy, how over and over and over again other countries and their various communities are turning away from the war-mongering United States, the more disturbing this story gets.

A person speaking for the Mayans said, "That a person like (Bush), with the persecution of our migrant brothers in the United States, with the wars he has provoked, is going to walk in our sacred lands, is an offense for the Mayan people and their culture." He's certainly got a point, and it goes beyond how sick so many people are of Bush's faux-cowboy bravado. It shows that for more and more people, Bush's double-truths, greed, stubborness, and "fuck you" attitude have reached beyond simple machiavellian tactics to become almost the epitome of American political indifference, bullying, and evil.

Monday, March 05, 2007

What the Frak?

If you haven't watched this week's Battlestar Galactica then read no further. I'm warning you.

What the hell? I'm so confused. BSG is a great series, and last night was actually a good episode, but it felt a bit like Lost. After being promised big revelations and getting a huge build up, we learned zip, nada, zero.

Instead, a major character "died" for no reason, despite months of talk about her "destiny." It made no sense, and I'm hoping that the showrunners know where they're headed with this. And my hope is that Katee Sackhoff isn't off the show entirely--she gave a real spark to the series.

My guess is that Starbuck comes back as a Cylon in future episodes. Another friend has suggested that maybe it's her death that precipitates the discovery of Earth. In any case, the best show on television threw me a major curve ball last night, and I can't say I'm jazzed about it.