Friday, October 06, 2006

Elisabeth on The View

How long do you think ABC will keep whiny Elisabeth on The View? Watch this clip and see how inarticulate Elisabeth is trying to argue that gun control shouldn't be tightened.

I'll give you that it's hard to argue against three people at once, but she's still a whiny, squeaky-voiced moron.

Battlestar Goodness

I'm so excited about the 2-hour season premiere of Battlestar Galactica on SciFi tonight that I can barely contain myself. By the way, check on the guns on Apollo. Grrr...

Foley and DC

Here in DC, everyone seems to be talking about Foley. I just think the whole scandal is sad and am torn by how I feel.
  • I'm happy for a number of things: a) this is another tip toward Democratic control of the House come November; b) an alleged criminal is now out of congress; c) that anyone who knew about this and did nothing is going to take a fall.
  • But I'm equally sad that: a) gays get unfairly slammed as "pedophiles" and "child molesters;" and b) that a project as noble as the Page Program in DC can be turned on its side by one nut.

I just hope that the blame game stops and we actually try to fix what is wrong and find out why it wasn't fixed earlier.

Hope for Lost?

I'm not ready to say that Lost has finally wandered in from its cold and lonely wayward path, but I will say that this week's season premiere was fantastic. I'm still skeptical that the creators and showrunners (especially with their penchant to leave for other projects) will devote enough time to the show. But how great was it to see how the Others live on the island? And we finally got some explanations for the polar bears.

So at least Lost has started this season out on a good foot.

Robert Altman's New Project

I read today that Robert Altman's newest movie is going to be based on the 1997 documentary Hands on a Hard Body. Elke made me see the documentary in which a number of people who are competing to win a car inside a texas mall by standing with one hand always touching a Nissan truck. (You thought "hard body" was naughty didn't you?)

Well, this kind of film will have built in tension as to who wins. Bu more importantly, for Altman, the film will afford him the opportunity to do what he does best: focus on characters not plot. It's not even in production yet and I'm excited. In the meantime, go rent Hands on a Hard Body.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Don't Forget Lost Tonight!

It seems like a zillion years since the season finale of Lost. But I'm hearing great great murmurs about tonight's season premiere episode. Even a little hint that a character may come out of the closet. Hmmm...

Also, ABC premiere's its new show The Nine tonight. It has gotten good reviews, but looks like a yawner to me.

Veronica Mars and Battlestar Galactica

What do these two shows have in common you ask? Well, last night on the season premiere of Veronica Mars (which rocked it really hard), Veronica learned to use the Battlestar Galactica curse word "frack." You can pretty much get what word "frack" replaces. was a cute shout-out. I hope Veronica gets great ratings.

Also...this Friday is the season premiere of SciFi's Battlestar Galactica. I can't wait to see what happens. But the network is catching new viewers up with an hour-long episode repeating a zillion times this week called Battlestar Galactica: The Story So Far.

You owe it to yourself to catch up on this show (the best drama on tv) and start watching!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I'm Back

Okay...after some out of town travel, sad family business, and moving into my new condo, I'm back and ready to blog. The new TV season is in full bloom and here are some initial thoughts.

  • I'm really digging Heroes, Ugly Betty, Jericho, and Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip.
  • Vanished, Kidnapped, and Smith didn't live up to the hype.
  • The jury is still out on Brothers and Sisters and Six Degrees. I think both shows had/have great potential but I'm not all that impressed.
  • Veronica Mars season premiere is tonight. You'd better check it out!