Monday, October 23, 2006

Set Your TiVO for Madonna!

If you haven't already heard...Madonna will be on Oprah this Wednesday to talk about her new adoption and all related drama. It should be worth a peek.

The Foxes of Fall TV

With the studs of summer a thing of the distant past, at least we have the handsome (and sometimes talented) foxes of fall to look forward to. Here's my (incomplete) listing of where you can find some great male eye candy on the tube this fall:
  • ABC has a bevy of cuties: Dave Annable and Matthew Rhys who play brothers Justin and Kevin on Brothers and Sisters. Rhys gets extra points for playing gay. Owain Yeoman plays the baddie Lucas Dalton on The Nine and Jay Hernandez is the hunky public defender Carlos on Six Degrees. Don't leave out Shawn Pyfrom who stars as the cutie gay troublemaker Andrew on Desperate Housewives. And we can't forget the adorable dancer with the huge-ass arms on Dancing with the Stars--Mario Lopez.
  • NBC has at least two hotties: Adrian Pasdar Congressman wanna-be on Heroes and security man Josh Duhamel on Las Vegas.
  • Could CBS have any more procedurals? Isn't every show a whodunnit in the crime lab? But at least we get to see George Eads from the original CSI as Nick Stokes. And there's Michael Weatherly and Sean Murray on NCIS.
  • SciFi has Battlestar Galactica goodness including: Jamie Bamber (Apollo), Tahmoh Penikett (Helo), and Aaron Douglas (Chief).
  • The CW has hottie Jason Dohring as bad boy Logan on Veronica Mars. But there may not be anyone who beats Justin Hartley (ex-Passions lover) as Green Arrow on Smallville.